Monday, August 18, 2008

Sweet Freedom!

I don't know exactly how to express a happy dance in writing but I want you to close your eyes and picture me standing in front of you and then all the sudden.... full on body seizure of excitement. This picture is no longer a lie. I have actually graduated from college. I didn't think I was gonna make it. That last paper was killer hard to get done but here we are! I haven't posted for awhile because I kept getting worried emails and phone calls from friends who feared I was on the brink of suicide. Apparently the deeply pessimistic mood of my posts was freaking people out. I decided to wait till I had some good news to report. Things have gotten much better at work. I think my boss has developed the idea that everytime I come into his office it's going to be because I'm on the verge of a meltdown. I don't blame him though that was pretty accurate for about a month. I'm working on reconditioning him to associate my visits with phenomenal news. Don't get me wrong. It's still pretty tough somedays but either I'm learning to deal with it or the Anti Anxiety meds are kicking in. Either way I'm doing just great. I'm excited to be more involved in things now that I'm not perpetually rushing home to do homework. I went to FHE for the first time today. It was gloriously boring and I loved every minute of it. The one thing still getting me down is that I miss all my babies! I called Kobe and left him a message the other day and he had his secretary (Whitney) call me back to tell me he was busy playing with toys and to call later. I just wanna hug them so much!