Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just Another Day in the Looney Bin

I called my nephew a few days ago to ask about his birthday and to see if he got the "fiver" I sent him to by trucks with. At the ripe old age of four he has mastered the art of sarcasm. I asked him what his cake looked like and he told me "It was square" and then handed the phone back to his mom. Makes me so proud (stifling a tear)!

Nothing much different than usual has been happening here. I have ever illness known to man. Which seems strange to some people but seems to be destiny here in Las Vegas. I also have re-injured my foot with about the same action as when I broke it the first time IE: absolutely nothing. The hardest part has been trying to eat, sleep, work, breathe through the pain while Utah and Nevada argued over who was going to pay for my doctors visit. The good news is I don't have to St. George to get it looked at... the bad news is that I still haven't had it looked at. Why is it that no one returns a freaking phone call here? Yeah I'm talking to you Desert Orthopaedic Center.

For a while I gave up on getting ready for anything. Which for some of you who know me well, happens sometimes. The last two days I have woken up a bit early to get ready for work. Today my efforts were finally recognized when Patrick told me "you look nice. You can't even see your zits today." Ah success.

Everyone who has ever heard me complain about TV should probably sit down right now. I started watching the first season of Heroes and I am totally converted. I will be naming my first born Mohinder Petrelli. This season is not as captivating. Mohinder is a molting cockroach/lizard/snake man and Peter has the "hunger" which I think is an affront to his extremely attractive good guy persona even if it is for the greater good of the show. However it turns out they are both kinda tarnished in my eyes. Kill the ugly people and give them weird flesh eating disease powers. I'm losing interest due to the lack of eye candy. Also I have to think too much. I like my TV dumbed down for ease and convenience. So I guess really I'm converted to Milo Ventimiglia and Sendhil Ramamurthy. Could those names BE any harder to say?

Only the people at work will appreciate this but I just looked up per diem in the dictionary and the first definition is: by the day or for each day. I can't believe that fool used the term correctly and that none of the rest of us knew it. It is generally used to describe being paid by the day or as an allowance but technically could be used in reference to working on a day by day basis. Well at least he's still and idiot for knocking up and old lady just to get a croch rocket motorcycle.


it's me, andrea. said...

Ok, I got the email about this blog post but I was in a hurry and didn't read it right then. I just realized that I hadn't read it yet.

First, I love Kobe. Second, I'm sorry about your foot, and that the injury happened in the exact same dangerous way -casually walking on grass. Third, do you hate vegas/are you a hypochondriac? And last, I LOVE Heroes, however, my DVR is filling up and I haven't watched any of it yet this season...well like 10 minutes of the premiere and i had a bad feeling about it, I just haven't got into it yet, but it was awesome early on.

it's me, andrea. said...

P.S. Why the no getting ready?...not that I'm surprised, i did live with you for a time. but was the shower happy to see your return? ...or was it a cover up zits with no shower presentation?

Melissa said...

OH GEEZ! My husband is such a sweet talker! It's a no wonder why I fell for him with his flattering comments and all!
I will apologize for him for all the mean/rude things he may or has said! He's still in training.... (just don't tell him that, he doesn't realize it yet!) :)