Fubar (foo - bar): alternative for like every swear word.
Spramped (spram - pd): screwed, f@*%ed, in a bad way
Beep Doot (beep-doot): conversation starter when you haven't talked to someone in a long time
Wemu (wee-moo): a message
Goldfish (gold - feesh): yeah, I've heard this story before
Multitechnomunicating (mul-tie-tek-no-mune-i-kate-ing) : communicating by text, email or other electronic device even though the other person is in the same room as you
Derezed (duh-rezd): out of it, depressed, tired
Canasta (ka-naaassss-ta): that sweater makes you look old
Geezer (gee-zer): some guy, not necessarily old, who is treating you poorly
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