Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I'm gonna make it after all. I just finished my International Relations paper! I'd let you read it but trust me it's not as interesting a field as it sounds. This paper is an eight page snooze fest but my professor is going to love it. That's one hurdle down and 3 to go. Tomorrow marks my first official investigation in Las Vegas. Well technically its 3 investigations because apparently if you are going to neglect individuals needs its best done in groups. I'm a little nervous because a guy at a gas station got shot the other day after he fired an employee and I'm going to probably fire 4 people this week. I guess you gotta die sometime right? In addition to that I am determined to clean my office before our audit next week. I doubt they are going to do a Mary Poppins white glove check but I like to make a good first impression and all the big whig Utah bosses will be here in addition to the state. I'm not gonna lie that I'm not that motivated to get the other things done for the audit. They have already warned us that we are going to fail. What an amazing motivator (dripping with sarcasm)! All I need now is to finish my Violence paper from last semester (yes DJ, the one on Hitler that I was working on when you saw me last) and I'll be ready to conquer the world. By the way next week is Shark Week on the Discovery Channel so there is no way that next week won't be the best week of my life. Keep watching for all my shark related posts.