Wednesday, July 30, 2008

She's Alive!...... Barely

So I have decided that I hate the phrase "perception is reality." That is bull shit! Reality is reality and settling for perception as reality is a defeatest attitude. Why do people get so caught up in what other people think about them? And for that matter, why the hell do you care what I'm doing anyways? If I hear one more person use that phrase as an excuse to do something that they otherwise have no grounds to do I will seriously go uni bomber on them. I wish I could go more into what is fueling this rant but with my luck someone I work with will find it and use it against me. So funny thing. When I lived a few miles away from my family I would go weeks and one time months without having contact with anyone. Mostly because I'm a jerk and mostly because I only talk to people when I'm in crisis mode (I'm really a hermit when I'm happy). I got a text from my sister today saying that my parents were wigging out that I hadn't talked to them in like 4 days. Really mom (because I know that your reading this)? I promise I'm alive. I just have absolutely no free time. I call you one day and talk to for like a million years and catch you up on everything or maybe I'll move back to Utah and live in your new house with you. Then you'll always know where I am. It would be nice if I knew a few priesthood holders here that weren't my boss or co-workers. Yes I have home teachers but they are weird. Mostly I could really use a hug.


it's me, andrea. said... seem stressed. I'd love to hear the whole story. I'm kind of scared of your anger these days. You should go get lasered like I kinda feels like a hug...from an acid monster. PS, i love you.

Melissa said...

Perception is a reality! How do you like them apples!
